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Business Ideas #123: Supplement Stacks, Accounting Software...

Plus the Woman who Sold 2 Startups to Warren Buffett

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Welcome to Half Baked, the newsletter serving up business ideas as often as Elon Musk gets sued.

Here’s what we’ve got for you today:

  1. Business Idea💡: Using supplement stacks to make stacks of cash

  2. Drunk Business Idea 🍻: An honest dating platform (finally)

  3. Just The Tip 📈: Accounting software is booming right now

  4. The Moneyshot 🤑: The woman who sold 2 startups to Warren Buffett

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Let’s get into it.


Supplement Stack Site 💊 

The perfect dose

Available Domain: Suppstaks.com

💡 TLDR: A site which tracks and shares the supplement stacks of influencers, athletes and other celebrities

1. Problem/Opportunity

The Problem/Opportunity: Everyone seems to be on a health kick right now. Running marathons. Doing cold plunges. Begging their doctor to prescribe them ozempic. I however prefer to pursue my health goals in short, sharp bursts. It’s much more efficient that way.

But when it comes to health I’m always curious about what supplement stacks others use to stay in tip-top shape. And so are many others. So let’s build a site around that exact premise.

Market Size: The global supplements market was valued at $183bn in 2023

2. Solution 

The Idea: A site which tracks and shares the supplement stacks of influencers, athletes and other celebrities

How it Works:

  • You create a site which has dedicated pages for influencers, athletes or other celebrities which details their current supplement stack. What they take, when they take it and why. The site links off to where these products can be purchased (for that sweet, sweet affiliate revenue)

  • Influencers or athletes can choose to claim the pages on the site to ensure their data is up-to-date. You could also consider doing a rev share with them, but ideally you wouldn’t have to

  • Users can then search the site by person or supplement and design their own supplement stack too, taking inspiration from the site

  • Focussing on SEO will be key here to drive traffic to the site

Go-to-market: Approach fitness influencers and give them a share of the affiliate revenue to get the business going and get them to promote it indirectly

Business Model: Earn through affiliate links

Startup Costs: You need to spin up a simple website here, nothing else to it really

3. How You’ll Get Rich 💰

Hold: You could potentially exit to a big supplement company like GNC, where this would be a top of funnel play for them. But realistically this could be a great, low effort, cash cow business


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Browser History Dating App

We all lie. A lot. But do you know what never lies? Our search histories. Google knows more about us than our families do, which is why we want to bring that level of trust, authenticity and transparency to the dating world. How?

With our new browser history dating app where users are matched based on their internet search histories. Pay extra to see their incognito searches 👀

Coming soon to an app store near you…


Trend 📈: Accounting Software

There’s an old adage that “the most exciting thing about an accountant is their salary”. But recently the most exciting thing in the accounting space has been the surge of investment these companies have received.

Recent Raises


Meet the Woman who Sold 2 Startups to Warren Buffett

Building and selling a business is hard. But how about building and selling 2 businesses to one of the greatest investors of all time?

Well that’s exactly what this founder did.

Back in 1917, at the height of World War 1, Rose Blumkin (also known as Mrs B) arrived in the United States. She had just moved from a tiny village in Belarus to the US without speaking a word of english. She and her husband eventually settled in Omaha, Nebraska, and in 1919 they started a used clothing store which they ran for almost 20 years.

Then, in 1937, Mrs. B took the plunge and opened up her own secondhand furniture business, the Nebraska Furniture Mart.

Mrs B was determined to keep prices low, particularly since she started her business during the Great Depression. So all goods in the store were sold at 10 cents above cost.

Her strategy worked. And by 1983 the Nebraska Furniture Mart was generating over $100m in revenue and was one of the largest furniture retailers in the US.

The business was doing so well it caught the eye of an up-and-coming investor and Omaha-native named Warren Buffett. Warren approached Mrs B and bought the business for $60m in 1983 (not a great multiple there Mrs B).

Mrs B was 90 years old when she sold the business, but she wasn’t done yet.

6 years later Rose launched Mrs B’s clearance and factory outlet across the road from the Nebraska Furniture Market. And then, history repeated itself, when 3 years later Buffett bought the business from Rose. She continued to run the business until her death in 1998 at the age of 104. Incredible.

Which all goes to show if Rose can flee an active war zone, move to a foreign country without a word of the language, start a business during the Great Depression and work until the age of 104…then any of us can launch that app or website we’re thinking about.

So get to work!



Jason Toff with an interesting (and pretty disgusting) idea 🤣

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