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Business Ideas #213: Jigsaw Pieces, Second Brains...

Plus How 4 Friends Turned $30k into a +$110m/year Business

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Welcome to Half Baked, the newsletter serving up business ideas as hotly anticipated as Mira Murati’s (former OpenAI CTO) new startup 👀

Here’s what we’ve got for you today:

  1. Business Idea💡: A business idea that could be puzzling to some

  2. Drunk Business Idea 🍻: The ultimate privacy product

  3. Just The Tip 📈: Giving “brain power“ a whole new meaning

  4. The Moneyshot 🤑: How 4 friends turned $30k into a +$110m/year business

P.S…if you want to read any previous editions of Half Baked you can on our website.

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Let’s get into it.


Puzzle Piece Replacement Service 🧩 

Piece be upon you

Available Domain: Pieceout.io

💡 TLDR: A service which 3D prints missing puzzle pieces for puzzle enthusiasts

1. Problem/Opportunity

The Problem/Opportunity: In an increasingly digital world, there’s something beautifully simple and tactile about making a puzzle, be it by yourself or with your loved ones. Although not everyone knows exactly how they work…

But there’s nothing worse than digging out an old puzzle, or even opening a brand new one, to find a few pieces are missing. Or even just one piece. Unfortunately though many puzzle companies won’t send out replacement pieces, since the placement of the image or the cuts are not always perfect. So let’s solve this problem for the puzzle enthusiasts out there.

Market Size: The global jigsaw puzzle market is surprisingly large, sitting at $14 billion in 2023

2. Solution 

The Idea: A service which 3D prints missing puzzle pieces for puzzle enthusiasts

How it Works:

  • The user goes to the website (or app) and takes a picture of the puzzle and what pieces are missing

  • The photo is analyzed and the missing pieces are printed out using a 3D printer (or more basic printing services before you invest in a 3D printer)

  • The missing pieces are then shipped out to the customer who pays per piece they receive

  • Over time you could license your technology to the big puzzle manufacturers who could integrate this service into their product offerings

  • You could also expand this business to other verticals too, like missing LEGO pieces or even printing discontinued kids toys that parents can’t afford to lose!

Go-to-market: You’ll find your early adopters in online puzzle communities like the r/puzzles subreddit

Business Model: Charge per puzzle piece

Startup Costs: You could start this pretty cheaply with a simple website and using cheap printing tools to create pieces for your early customers, before investing money and going bigger

3. How You’ll Get Rich 💰

Hold: You likely won’t be reaching a unicorn valuation with this business, but this could still do millions of dollars per year in revenue easily. And if you license your technology to the big puzzle manufacturers you could make huge amounts of money here


Whiskey Investing: Consistent Returns with Vinovest

It’s no secret that investors love strong returns.

That’s why 250,000 people use Vinovest to invest in fine whiskey.

Whiskey has consistently matured and delivered noteworthy exits. With the most recent exit at 30.7%, Vinovest’s track record supports whiskey’s value growth across categories such as Bourbon, Scotch, and Irish whiskey.

With Vinovest’s strategic approach to sourcing and market analysis, you get access to optimal acquisition costs and profitable exits.


Privacy Scarf

Ever been on a bus or in a crowded place and felt like someone was looking over your shoulder at your phone? It’s a strange feeling that we’ve all experienced. Or at least it was…

With the privacy scarf you simply put it on and no-one can see what’s on your screen. It’s the ultimate piece of privacy apparel. Couple that with the fact it’s so stylish and discreet, this is a game-changing product.


Trend 📈: Second Brains

Over the last while a concept known as the "second brain" has entered the zeitgeist. A second brain is a digital system for storing, organizing, and connecting all of your knowledge and ideas. Basically people use notion or other tools to write-out, categorise and store everything they learn so that what they know is searchable, akin to having a second brain. Although I think we all know some people who barely have a first brain, so a second brain might not be for them. But still, there are businesses to be built from this trend.

Business Ideas

  • Second Brain Templates Marketplace: Create and sell specialized second brain templates in different tools.

  • Second Brain Testing Platform: Create a platform which takes the knowledge stored in someone’s second brain and creates random quizzes based on it so they can test themselves.


How 4 Friends Turned $30k into a +$110m/year Business

Business ideas aren’t always about inventing new, game-changing products.

Take these dudes who took a simple household object, rebranded it, and turned it into a +$110m/year business.

This is their story.

Sean Riley (wearing the dude hat), Brian Wilkin (green sunglasses), Ryan Meegan (the shortest one…sorry Ryan), and Jeff Klimkowski (no hat) have been friends for as long as they can remember.

They grew up together in Chicago and despite going to different colleges they all moved in together into an apartment in Chicago after college.

While living in the apartment one day Sean went to the store to buy some supplies. He went to Sam’s Club and got toilet paper, paper towels, and a bunch of baby wipes to stock the bathrooms. Turns out these are pretty important in a house inhabited by guys who consume nothing but beer and burritos.

Surprisingly everyone loved using the baby wipes. That was when the lightbulb went off in Sean’s head. He realized there was a glaring gap in the wipes market…creating a wipes product for men. Men weren’t traditionally buying or using wipes because they were marketed as baby products of for women to use.

It was 2010 when Sean had this idea and immediately he and his friends go to work on it. They pooled together $30k and set about creating their brand, trying to figure out how to set up a business, how to get their wipes manufactured, there was a lot to do.

In fact, from the initial idea to getting products in hand it took them about two and a half years. But finally in 2012 they managed to develop the first 4 packages of their wipes branded to men and sold them right from their apartment.

They had founded Dude Wipes.

In that first year they managed to make $150,000, which blew their minds. From there the business grew steadily every year through subscriptions and selling on Amazon, but there were two events that supercharged their growth.

The first came in 2015 when Dude Wipes appeared on Season 7 of Shark Tank. They managed to secure a deal with Mark Cuban, who invested $300,000 in exchange for 25% of the company. But more importantly this exposure catapulted the brand into the national consciousness. That year they also launched in their first national retailer, Kroger. That year Dude Wipes reported over $3.2 million in sales.

The next step change in the business occurred in 2020 due to Covid. Remember during covid when toilet paper was the hottest commodity in the world for a few weeks? Well Dude Wipes was no exception and sales jumped from $15m in 2019 to $40m in 2020.

In 2023 they did over $110m in revenue and they’re currently they #2 wipes brand in the US. They’re taking on “Big Toilet Paper”…and they’re winning, with plans to expand into new categories in the future.

All of which goes to show that sometimes you don’t need to invent a new product to make it big. You can take an existing product and market it to a new audience, just like Dude Wipes did.

Which begs the question…what product are you going to reinvent?



Dilip Kumar sharing a super interesting idea

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